Confidentiality Agreement

  • Submission method: Submit using POST method,Content-Type"application/x-www-form-urlencoded ;charset=utf-8"
  • Data format: Submit data and array format and return data in JSON format
  • Character encoding: Uniformly adopt UTF-8 character encoding
  • Amount format: The unit is the corresponding currency, leaving two decimal points.
  • Signature algorithm: MD5


Digital signature rules(MD5)

Data splicing rules

Merchants and Pay platforms comply with this splicing rule.

Step 1: Assume that the data received by all senders is a set M, sort the non-null parameters in the set M from small to large according to the ASCII code of the parameter name (lexicographic order), and use the URL key-value pair format to splice them into characters. String data: "key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3..." Pay special attention to the following important rules: 1. Sort the ASCII codes of parameter names from small to large (lexicographic order). 2. Parameter names are case-sensitive.   3.For the Deposit interface, please refer to whether to participate in the signature to determine whether the parameter is involved in the signature.

Step 2: Add &key={md5key} to the end of stringA to get the string stringSignTemp, perform MD5 operation on the symbol stringSignTemp, and then convert all characters of the obtained string to uppercase to get the symbol value signValue.